Individual Therapy in Weston, FL
NBI Weston Behavioral Therapy
The process of individual psychological treatment, commonly termed psychotherapy, begins with a consultation. The consultation at NBI usually is completed within one meeting, but under some circumstances may require extended time. During the consultation, legal and ethical boundaries of confidentiality are reviewed, and information regarding the reason for referral, background, general health, and treatment history is obtained. This is followed by a thorough clinical evaluation of psychological, behavioral, and social factors. There is also an assessment of any risk factors that could compromise care or safety.
This is the time when initial recommendations or a treatment plan are offered. Prognosis, as well as estimated length of treatment and intensity of sessions, is discussed at this time. Before ending the consultation process there will be an opportunity to ask questions or verbalize any concerns. If there is need for further assessment, or it is determined that NBI cannot treat the individual, we may provide a referral for psychological testing, psychiatric, medical, or other health evaluations at another facility.
Goals of Psychotherapy
During the course of psychotherapy, there is an ongoing attempt to help patients develop more effective coping strategies, improve functioning, lessen emotional distress, and resolve symptoms and problems. As with any medical process, there may be times of discomfort, resistance, and uncertainty. It is a part of the therapeutic process to address these issues in an understanding, effective yet straightforward and honest manner.
Psychotherapy is different from normal social interaction in that open communication and discussion of difficult, even embarrassing material is not only encouraged but also often necessary for progress. Challenging the thoughts, behaviors, and relationship patterns that create and maintain the difficulties that led to the need for treatment is essential for the best outcome possible.
How does CBT work?
As the understanding of the brain, mind, behavior, and sociocultural factors increases, theories about how CBT works are also evolving. Learning theory suggests CBT works because it decreases maladaptive cognitions and behaviors and creates more adaptive ones. It is also thought that perhaps CBT benefits brain functioning almost like how physical exercise affects the body, with the ultimate goal of making lasting positive changes in its capacity to deal with symptoms and stressors.
Treatment Personalized for Each Patient
Therapy sessions are tailored to balance present needs with long-term objectives. Treatment will usually take place in a private office unless another setting is deemed appropriate. For example, there are some symptoms and problems that are most effectively dealt with in the home environment. Of course, this would only take place with your permission.
Deciding when to end treatment can be a complex matter. Certainly, the ultimate choice is the patient’s or their guardian’s. It is advised that you heed the advice of the therapist, or a trusted second-opinion, before pulling out of treatment. In most situations, intervention stops when the presenting symptoms or problems have significantly decreased and/or psychological distress is no longer marked. For some with chronic or particularly complex issues, treatment and follow-up may take place for an indeterminate length of time. It should be understood that questions about any subject pertaining to the therapeutic process are appropriate to discuss with the treating clinician at any time. In most instances, however, questions about scheduling, financial matters, and records that are not clinically relevant will be directed to administrative personnel.
Change Can Happen
The overwhelming evidence from available scientific research is that treatment works. While it is not possible to predict improvement on an individual basis, the methods we use today were created from evidence-based research. We have found that treatment works best when focused on the primary issue at hand, and we plan a patient’s plan of care accordingly.